Craft trades
General information
In Germany, the craft trades are divided into the following areas according to the activities they perform:
- Crafts requiring a licence
- Craft-like commercial activities
- Registration-free crafts
Which professions belong to crafts or craft-like commercial activities?
Annex A of the crafts code lists the trades that belong to crafts.
Annex B of the crafts code lists the professions that belong to craft-like commercial activities or are considered to be crafts that do not require a licence.
What do I have to do to settle in Germany?
Possible formalities for starting and exercising the service
- Register of Craftsmen: Exceptional permit for nationals of EU member states
Under certain conditions, nationals of an EU member state, a state party to the agreement on the European Economic Area or of Switzerland may be granted an exemption to inclusion in the Register of Craftsmen.
=> go to the ZuFiSH service: “Register of Craftsmen: Exemption for nationals of EU member states”
Excluded from the exemption are the areas 33 – 37 according to Annex A of the Crafts Code.
For more information on the prerequisites, see the service description in the remit finder.
- Professional recognition
If you do not meet the conditions for exemption as described under point 1, you can apply for the recognition in Germany of your regulated trade acquired outside Germany.
In our "Recognition of professions" section, you can find more information on whether your trade must be recognised in Germany and, if necessary, an electronic application assistant.
=> go to the professional recognition
- Register of Craftsmen: Inclusion or notification
If your profession has been recognised in Germany, you must be registered in the central register (Register of Craftsmen) of the competent Chamber of Trade before providing services.
You can use our electronic assistant for this purpose. It will guide you step by step through the form. On the basis of the activities you have specified, the Chamber of Trade can then define the necessary demarcation to the respective areas:
- Crafts requiring registration
- Craft-like commercial activities
- Registration-free crafts
=> go to electronic assistant: Inclusion in the Register of Craftsmen
- Business registration
Similarly, the commencement of an independent operation of the standing trade or the operation of an affiliate or dependent branch must be notified to the competent authority.
=> go to electronic assistant: Business registration